Welcome Home to Your True Nature as
Stillness, Awareness, and Loving Presence
Non-Dual Satsang, Retreats, & Online Programs
Satsang, Non-Dual Counseling, & Life Coaching Sessions

Some Kind Words of Appreciation
Testimonials are always welcomed and deeply appreciated. Please feel free to share your experiences of Greg's work with others.

Thank you again for Tuesday afternoon. I have been in such an open and joyful state. When the day starts, I now just automatically find I am at peace, happy and seeing the day unfolding in its own way. I do not have negative thoughts about myself, or, if they arise, I know that I am a nurturing being and welcome these feelings into my heart with love and no judgement. There is no effort and I find I do not need to keep finding ways to get "be present", that I am Presence and everything is unfolding in front of me, in my consciousness, according to life and God. I am very grateful and humbled and excited by what is happening. Thank you again
~ Robert C., Palm Springs, CA
You were so kind from the beginning. Our session was really wonderful, you kept it so simple, sooooo simple that "I" had no choice but to join you in simplicity. I unlearned a lot in just that 90 minutes that my habitual defense mechanism wasn't even able to build the entire complexity building again (yet, who knows? hahahhaa). You didn't help to give me a "first step", you helped me realize that I was already walking and pretty much already whole!!! What a joke. Meeting You in Space. Thanks a lot :)
~ Santiago S., Cordoba, Argentina
Thank you so much Greg. The session was so helpful and you were so great and specific and supportive. Amazing work and thanks so much for all that. It truly felt so on the point and what I needed and I also felt how much you have gotten even more precise at what you do. Much appreciated!
~ C. B., Toronto, ON
I could spill many words in my appreciation for the space you hold / allow / channel, I just hope you know how precious it is to so many of us, and I'm blessed to call you a soul brother and mentor. Your scope and language helps me articulate subtleties of the awakening-embodiment process like I've never known before. Other teachers have been harsh and 'super-tantric' or vague and 'super-vedantic' if ya know what I mean?
I love and appreciate, feel safe with, your method of invitation and allowance, referencing almost any traditions available as a fresh experience and a truly living knowledge. Hallelujah! And what's more, is your sharpness, the lion of truth, doesn't sit back either. I value and invite more of that sharp, 'no-bullshit' flow of truth. Having recently turned thirty, I feel like my life depends upon this honesty and sharpness, clarity and truth.
~ A.S., Toronto, ON
I absolutely love your talks, you and Adya seem to be the only ones speaking accurately to the after awakening experience. I thank you deeply for the gift you bring into this world!
~ A. W., Seattle, WA
Sunday satsang for me was deep, powerful, joyful, and timely! I felt broken open (I love that expression!). Thank you so much, Greg for the gift of you in my life. I feel so blessed. You are such a good example of someone who is true, real, and so open to sharing the journey that this awakening has been for you. I love the intimacy! I kept sighing all evening after seeing you, sighs of joy, lightness of being, and love. Truly felt and still feel a shift in my heart. Thanks again!
~ G. G., Salt Spring Island, BC
I just wanted you to know that I feel such deep appreciation from my heart for the way you "met me in Being" on Saturday ...your strong intelligent pointing was so supportive & helpful and I loved your wonderful, comical, sweet persona too! It was such a powerful, meaningful interaction for me, and it continues to touch my heart. I felt SO met and such trust with you and that has never happened at that depth in my entire so called life. From my innocent, beautiful heart to yours....THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH, GREG!
~ A. W., Victoria, BC
I came to a weekend retreat with Greg and was totally amazed by the experience. I've had several of these retreats with various teachers and have never come close to accessing the profound shift that happened that weekend with Greg. It has continued to deepen since. Through email with Greg I've continued to get amazing insight as well as very practical pointers towards working with what's arising. He also doesn't attempt to reinvent the wheel, meaning he brings in whatever resources that seem most appropriate, whether his own or from another teacher. Whatever will most help the person sitting in front of him. I'm so grateful to Greg for making himself available as a teacher!
~ A. M., Seattle, WA
Greg, dear man, thank you so much for a wonderful weekend retreat. It has been such a joy to see your growth as a facilitator over the several years I've known you. You held space for us so beautifully and gently, embracing us all in love. As well, your skill in dealing with those of us who express the pain of abuse and trauma is particularly extraordinary. The fact that you've walked the walk shows. You hold our wounded hearts with such compassion and clarity, yet can swiftly and directly bring the issues down to single-pointedness. I am filled with such gratitude that you have chosen to share that clarity with us.
~ J. L., Victoria, BC
Greg is a wonderful facilitator and guide - clear, straightforward and accessible - he has enabled me to find my way to the heart of what I seek, without all the conceptual froo-froo that surrounded my prior seekings. Thanks Greg!
~ E.K., Victoria, BC
Thank you for leading and sharing in a much needed inspirational and heart opening retreat for me today. I am grateful for the sangha community we share in, and had profound insights, understandings and witnessing which I am grateful for.
~M.B., Victoria, BC
When Greg spoke, from the first satsang I sat in his presence, I was moved. It was clear that not only did Greg speak from his experience, but more than that, Greg felt to me to be "complete". I hesitate to use that word, because there really is no such thing as complete...as finished. What I mean is that it was apparent that there were no issues that Greg was not totally willing to meet, no "cul-de-sacs" as Adyashanti has called these areas of "spiritual blindness".
I have sat with about 40 non-dual teachers over the past 10 years, and Greg is one of a handful about whom I could make such a statement. A true humility is constantly present when Greg speaks. I have been moved sitting with him as I have been with very few. His knowledge of the struggles that most of us go through on this path is heartfelt and illuminating. He really understands the process, and simply lives the awakening. Please pardon the comparison, but sitting with Greg is, to me, like it might have been to sit with Adyashanti in his early days of teaching.
~ Spencer St. Clair, Seattle, WA
Thank you so very much for last nights session. I am still in that presence and openness and, well, laughing. Lol. I cannot put into words my appreciation. Your insights and ability to help me see who I am is a gift I will always appreciate and be thankful for. As I continue my exploration into my awareness I look forward to working with you again. Thank you.
~ R. C., Seattle, WA
In my first satsang with Greg, through the course of our dialogue on contractions, I experienced a clarity and depth of perception around a certain issue that had troubled me for years. Greg's approachable, uncontrived style, and the clarity reached through dialogue with him have helped me to understand, navigate and embrace the daily energetic swings and shifts that occur when traveling from deep blissful meditative states to the marketplace and everywhere in between. He is truly a gem that has luckily landed here on the West Coast and the light he sheds shines brightly.
~ L. L., Salt Spring Island, BC
It was so nice to dialogue with you the other day. I have to admit that you are quite unique in that you don't bring out the Advaita language police when conversing with questioners. So many teachers tend to ignore where the student is coming from and just use a one size fits all approach. I have seen this time and time again. So kudos to you!
~ J. L., Atlanta, GA
I've been to several of Greg's Satsangs and really appreciate his calling to hold the space for realization. I feel blessed and a sense of existential ease to have had the experiences and also what I can only call a profoundly deep 'non experience' during his satsangs. It really is a special, unique and precious vessel that he creates and facilitates. Thank you very much Greg.
~ D. L., Victoria, BC
Truly you are the first teacher I have heard who has explained the matter to me in a way I could get and made a difference in my everyday practice. That was possibly the best satsang that I have attended for drawing the participants into a friendly, gentle experience of…or perhaps I should say acquaintanceship with …the Self. That truly changed practice from being relentless striving to being something that could enjoyably be entered into.
~ S. B., Vancouver, BC
Hands type trying to assemble the right words to express the enormous gratitude and love and thanks that want to be communicated to you for creating such a exquisite, beautiful and profound retreat. I remember the first time I heard you speak, I felt a silent "click", an instantaneous YES! And everything you have spoken subsequently only serves to confirm, reaffirm, and infinitely expand that YES. I very much appreciate how you are able to articulate awakening from the inside out; how it feels in process. (And how it can perpetually be in the present tense.) I haven 't come across anyone who describes it the way you do. Thank you for the gift you give.
~ M. H., Victoria, BC
I want to say how much I value the times that I've been able to attend your satsangs. After so many years of spiritual exploration, therapy etc, I know I'm now at the right place. Just resting in presence, there is no struggle...only awareness, and perfection of the moment. Your awakened presence and clarity are incredibly inspiring! I thank you for these opportunities.
~ F. W., Victoria, BC
The weekend was amazing for me and the unfolding for me and others was so very precious. I am grateful for the wisdom you share, the presence you bring, and your compassion and clarity that holds the space for potent evolution and consciousness to unfold for all. I experienced very powerful resonance as we worked together...felt I saw and sensed your essence...what magnificence and power and love radiating! Thank you for being.
~ K. M., Kelowna, BC
I want to thank you for your warm support, tenderness, and insight in our session this evening. It was just what I needed to clear away the confusion and indecision that's been enveloping me. I feel a little like my sails have been aligned with the wind again.
~ J. T., Victoria, BC
I have had the pleasure of speaking with Greg at length in a professional capacity. I really feel that anyone would be privileged to connect with Greg because of his intelligence, resilience, and real world experience. His generosity with his time and worldly insights has really helped me regarding the subject of addiction. Thanks.
~ Frank Ceccato, Sydney, Australia