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Stillness, Awareness, and Loving Presence
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The Spiritual Awakening & Embodiment Process
The Spiritual Awakening & Embodiment Process
A 4 Module Course Exploring the Deepening Dimensions of Spiritual Awakening
A 4 Module Course Exploring the Deepening Dimensions of Spiritual Awakening
Course Outline
(more details below)
Course Outline
(more details below)
Module 1
Module 1
The Awakening of Mind
Opening into the Clear Space of Unbounded Awareness
Module 2
Module 2
The Awakening of the Heart
Opening into Oneness, Unity Consciousness, & the Unbounded Field of Loving Presence
Module 3
Module 3
The Awakening of the Belly, Body, and Root
Opening into the Profound Presence & Absolute
Absence of Deep Silence and Emptiness
Module 4
Module 4
The Awakening of the Relational Field
Learning to Embody & Relate from Presence, Love, and Truth

In This Course You Will Receive
In This Course You Will Receive
• 4 - 2+ hr Satsang session recordings - includes a guided meditation, a talk on the week’s topic, and numerous questions, dialogues, inquiries, and explorations with course participants
• 8 - 15-20 min Guided Meditations - each guided meditation, guided inquiry, or guided clearing/releasing meditation is related to each module's themes
• 4 - Inquiry & Creativity Exercises - this series of creative inquiries was specifically created for this course, related to each module's theme, and a different facet and realization of our True Nature
• 4 - Emotional Clearing & Releasing Practices - these practices and techniques are offered as ways to help you clear your emotional and energetic systems & maintain energetic hygiene
• 4 - Heart Centered Contemplations - these exercises are offered to help you connect with your heart and support your devotional nature
Course fee - $67 USD - Can be combined with Private Session work with Greg.
50% off course fee with the purchase of a 3, 5, or 10 session package

Detailed Course Outline
Detailed Course Outline
Module 1 - The Awakening of Mind
Opening into the Clear Space of Unbounded Awareness
Some of the themes explored in this module include:
- developing the Witnessing Perspective,
- the practice of Self Inquiry & utilizing the question ‘Who/What Am I?’
- the practice of Resting as Awareness,
- learning to dis-identify from thoughts and the thinking mind
- isolating pure Awareness from the objects of our experience
- deconstructing our experience into its fundamental components
- identifying the fundamental experience of the true ‘I’ or ‘I Am-ness’
- recognizing what we are when we are only being aware
- recognizing the ever present Observing Witness
- exploring how True Nature flows through the mind as Clarity, the quality of Omniscience, and the boundless dimensions of Stillness, Spaciousness, and Presence
- what is True Meditation and the difference between concentration and meditation
- how to unhook our Awareness from the flow of thoughts and emotions
- does one need to respond to the thinking mind?
- who or what actually wakes up
- the difference between knowing what you are not, and knowing who you are
- the part of yourself that has always been with you
- is recognizing yourself as the Observing Witness the ultimate non-dual realization?
- does spiritual practice end with spiritual awakening?
- the limitation of transcendence
- what the experience of Awakened Mind or the Transcendent Witness feels like

Module 2 - The Awakening of the Heart
Opening into Oneness, Unity Consciousness,
and the Unbounded Field of Loving Presence
Some of the themes explored in this module include:
- the perception of the Unity with all things or Oneness
- the liberating qualities of Unconditional Love and Presence
- the divine qualities of the Spiritual Heart (Acceptance, Gratitude, Compassion, Divine Intimacy, Service, Devotion, Forgiveness, Creativity, Worship, etc)
- the willingness and courage to welcome and allow whatever arises in us
- being and dealing with painful emotions
- why being with something in the deepest way is allowing it to be exactly as it is
- the importance of cultivating self-love, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance
- using Prayer & Gratitude as a practice of Surrender, Devotion, and Letting Go
- developing our devotional nature and our tolerance for uncomfortable emotions
- seeing and feeling thoughts and emotions as energy patterns
- freeing thought and emotional patterns as an act of Compassion
- developing the qualities of softness, gentleness, openness, and an innocent curiosity
- exploring how True Nature flows through the heart as Love, the quality of Omnipresence, and the Fullness of Divine Feeling
- exploring what it means to ‘open to emotions’ from the Observing Witness
- 'Resting in the Heart’ and working with repetitive emotional patterns
- the difference between transcending emotion and allowing or deeply feeling emotion
- the difference between opening to emotion and indulging in emotion
- how conditioned emotional patterns unwind and release out of our system
- exploring 'Inquiry of the Heart'
- the ‘razor’s edge’ of allowing/feeling emotion and projection/unconscious expression
- 'Love coming back for Itself'
- what the experience of Awakened Heart or Oneness feels

Module 3 - The Awakening of the Belly, Body, and Root
Opening into the Profound Presence & Absolute
Absence of Deep Silence and Emptiness
Some of the themes explored in this module include:
- embodying and deeply feeling Presence in the belly and body
- the importance of identifying our repetitive core beliefs and patterns
- meeting existential fear
- the ‘limbo zone’ and the dissolving of the personal will
- the importance of seeing core beliefs as energetic and somatic phenomena
- recognizing the body as an emotional and energetic transmutation vehicle
- developing our Presence muscle & navigating the energy flows of life
- the importance of energetic clearing and releasing
- using the somatic field of the body as a portal into Presence
- the Fullness and Emptiness of our True Nature
- the unthawing and unwinding of our heart, body, and belly
- opening to both our light and dark aspects
- moving through life as Presence
- discovering the stillpoint inside of the hurricane of powerful emotions
- how whatever you resist persists & embodying the state of Flow
- the dissolving of the seeking energy & not fixating in any perspective
- letting go of control, living in the unknown, and the state of ‘I don’t know’
- why healing is an essential part of the Embodiment Process and our integration
- exploring how True Nature flows through the belly as True Expression, the quality of Omnipotence, and the Divinity of the body.
- using the body and breath to transmute core patterns of thought and emotion
- the fundamental qualities that hold identity together
- using creativity and the expressive arts to help embody and express our True Nature
- exploring what's prior to/beyond the sense of 'I Am-ness', Consciousness, & identity
- exploring waking down, in, and through
- what dies and what has never been born
- how the primal qualities of aliveness and creativity show up in our bodies and life
- exploring the ‘moving/action center' or Hara
- why being and expressing your individual uniqueness so important
- what the experience of Awakened Gut or no-self feels like?

Module 4 - The Awakening of Relationship & the Relational Field
Embodying, Acting, & Relating from Presence, Love, & Truth
Some of the themes explored in this module include:
- recognizing Presence in challenging situations
- the ‘I got it, I lost it' phenomena
- seeing liberation as 'moment to moment freedom' as opposed to a peak experience
- recognizing our life as an unending Living Inquiry and Exploration
- the necessity of spiritual and interpersonal autonomy
- the importance of the qualities of integrity, authenticity, transparency, and honesty
- why staying awake in life is an interpersonal phenomena
- why Truth needs to supersede our personal wants and conditioning
- the need of embodying both our gentleness and our fierceness
- functional relating with clarity of purpose
- the rewiring of our energy & nervous system & the unwinding of the deep unconscious
- why making mistakes is way that we learn to embody our True Nature
- recognizing your entire being as a sensitive sensing organ of the Infinite
- recognizing the extraordinary in the ordinary
- seeing challenges as opportunities for our deepening and integration
- the disorientation of losing our world as we knew it & having less space place to hide
- an integration of Clarity and Compassion with our Transcendent & human natures
- True Nature relates as Divine Intimacy, Unconditional Love, & inspired Revelation
- being simultaneously detached and engaged
- why innocence, trust, and feeling safe are important in our embodiment & relating
- ‘leaning into life’ & moving, acting, and relating from a place beyond mind
- our love for Truth and our willing to see what’s untrue
- 'the truth of the moment’ & the ways that we ‘un-enlighten’ ourselves
- earnestness and a commitment to Truth & the ‘sacred thread’ of Awakened Relating
- the relationship between our internal/intrapsychic and interpersonal worlds
- 'what would Love do?’ & how our deepest realizations translate into this moment
- being ‘clean and clear’ & what connecting, interacting, and speaking with another in and from Presence, Love, and Truth feels like?

Course Invitation and Overview
Course Invitation and Overview
Dear Friends
I’d like to send a heartfelt invitation for you to join me in this Online Course and be part of an Exploration and Living Inquiry into a topic that is truly dear to me. The Embodiment Process and the Journey after Spiritual Awakening is truly a Sacred Unfoldment, and could be described as the actual process of how the Divine wakes up in us, dissolves our limited ways of being, and expresses Itself out into the world. Regardless of how small or brief you may feel your experience of the Divine has been for you, I invite you to let go of your ideas about this for a moment, and open to the potential that this topic is more relevant to you than you may imagine.
As much as the mind and ego cover it up, our True Nature has always been with us, and as such we have all already had experiences of our deepest Essence if we have recognized it as such or not. The process of Awakening is always happening, and our True Nature is continually attempting to reveal Itself to us, regardless of whether we are consciously on a spiritual path. Spiritual Awakening is simply a process of Remembering the deepest level of who and what we have always been, and although there are an endless number of facets and expressions to our True Nature, at the most fundamental level, we are all One.
As natural and intrinsic this Unfoldment is to our personal and collective life though, the Embodiment process is often misunderstood. At times it can cause disorientation and confusion as we try to navigate a landscape of experiences and realizations that rarely fits into our ideas and expectations of what Spiritual Awakening is supposed to be like. As our Awakening Journey unfolds and our system re-orientates to a new way of Being and of experiencing life, we can run into some common challenges, areas of fixation, and at times may even feel alone and misunderstood as we begin experiencing life in a way that may not be shared by our family and friends. It’s my hope that this Online Course offers you some support and understanding of this profound process, and helps you recognize how universal and natural it actually is.
Beyond the challenges though, the Awakening and Embodiment Process contains an immense array of beauty, love, joy, contentment, peace, aliveness, profundity, and an unimaginable degree of nuance and refinement. The mutual enjoyment, celebration, honoring, and recognition of each other’s Awakenings and awe inspiring moments is definitely one of the main aims that I hope this Course will offer you. Over the years I have come to recognize that the Embodiment Process follows 2 main tracts. The first tract is what we are used to hearing about and focuses on the spiritual realizations and insights that come to us through our direct experiences. This tract focuses upon the shifts and changes in our consciousness, in our perspectives, in the perception of our sense of self, and upon the insights and affirmations that emerge when we recognize our True Nature. Many of these insights have become time honored spiritual teachings and pointers.

The Transformative Aspects of Awakening
The other tract of the Awakening and Embodiment Process is less spoken about and focuses more upon the transformative aspects of the process. It addresses the actual changes in our lived experience, what it actually looks and feels like for our Divine Realizations to come in contact and engage our everyday human life and relationships. This tract is much more gritty, real, and grounded in our human experiences because it addresses the actual changes, challenges, and transformations that people can go through as their Awakening becomes more deeply integrated into their lives, relationships, and their way of Being in the world. In essence, this area deals more with the integration of our spiritual experiences into the everyday moments of our life, and the ways our lives are literally transformed, rewired, and re-birthed.
I feel it’s important to bring attention to both areas of the Awakening and Embodiment Process as they invariably show up for people, whether we are prepared for it or not. As a teacher and coach I'm most interested in what actually works and is helpful for people, and what helps people in integrate, ground, and embody what they know and Realize in deeper and deeper ways. I feel it’s important to have a clear context of the landscape of the deepening dimensions of our Spiritual Awakening and Realization, as this helps us to find a kind of orientation for an unfolding series of experiences that transcends our normal way of experiencing and understanding both our self and our world.
I've found immense utility in the context of the Awakening of the Head, Heart, and Gut/Body which the spiritual teacher Adyashanti and other traditions have explored. This is partly because it describes my own experience so clearly, and partly because this context also addresses the process of integration, transformation, and re-orientation that we are bound to go through in the Embodiment Process. Because this context is based in actual direct experience, its revealed an immense utility to me as a teaching tool, and continues to help many people find orientation and understanding for their spiritual experiences and realizations.
I've found that the context of the Awakening of the Head, Heart, and Gut not only describes a certain shift in identity/consciousness and one’s perspective and relationship to their self and world, it also points toward a certain level of spiritual practice that can unfold, especially in one’s practice after spiritual awakening. My Online Course ‘Toolbox for Awakening’ was more focused on this relationship between spiritual practice and spiritual awakening, but elements of this are included in this course as well. I feel that a large part of my teaching work focuses on demystifying the spiritual awakening process, and clarifying what the actual, human experience is like, while addressing the changes and transformations that begin to infuse our everyday life and relationships.

Your Unique Path
In essence I’m interested in ‘whatever works’ for people, and as such try to work with people’s existing interests and inclinations, encouraging people to engage in practices that help make their embodiment and integration more easeful and smooth. I invite an honest, mature, and sober exploration of our lives both before and after awakening, and put more value in what’s actually happening and helpful for people than rigidly holding onto common spiritual concepts, ideas, or traditions. The exploration of this context of Awakening and Embodiment continues to refine and blossom with my own flavors and nuances, and continues to be evolved by each meeting and conversation that I have with people who are experiencing this process for themselves.
The way that I speak about the transformational aspect of the Embodiment Process has emerged and evolved through deeply listening, exploring, and supporting many people going through their own awakening and embodiment process, and discovering what has been the most helpful and functional for them. My own interest and background in psychology and the psychological healing process continues to inform the ways which I connect with people, as failing to do so often leaves a huge gap in people’s actual, lived experience. My interest in sharing what the experience of Awakening and Embodiment 'feels like from the inside' has also been brought forth by people’s specific needs, challenges, questions, and interests.
I often find that the way I teach and share changes depending upon whether it is focused upon ‘waking up and out’ or ‘waking down and in’. The ‘up and out’ movement is the essence of most spiritual teachings and focuses upon transcending and breaking our identification with the mind and body. The ‘down and in’ movement is focused upon the integration and embodiment of these Awakenings and Realizations in our everyday life and relationships, and into the very mind-body that we initially transcended. When I meet with people where there is a deeper degree of Awakening, I feel the energy of the dialogue between us changes, and what arises is what I like to call the ‘Embodiment Conversation’.

The Embodiment Conversation
This Conversation and Exploration is less focused upon pointing towards something that the other person hasn’t already experienced to some degree, but instead becomes a type of confirmation, validation, grounding, and integration of what someone is already seeing and experiencing. I've discovered this quality of Conversation and Exploration to be incredibly important in not only my own unfoldment, but in the many people that I've met with over the years. I've found that there is a mysterious and powerful quality in mutually Meeting, Exploring, and Recognizing each other in and as our True Nature that offers a profound quality of integration and embodiment for people. Because this Living Inquiry is fueled by what is most alive for people, I've come to recognize that this ‘Conversation’ has a Living Energy and Intelligence in it that reveals, transforms, and refines what the next chapter of where our Embodiment Process will be.
Through our Listening and Conversation, the potential unfolds for us both to step into and express the flowing Intelligence of our True Nature, allowing us to access and interact from our own innate Wisdom and Love in real time. Because our True Nature is always already what we are, this ‘Embodiment Conversation’ can be understood and will resonate with everyone on some level, regardless of where you think you are at on your Awakening Journey. This Exploration not only speaks to our human nature, but also to our Divine or True Nature. It addresses both the shifts in consciousness and perspectives that spiritual Awakening reveals, as well as the transformation aspects of the process that occur at different points of our unfoldment, and which are a universal part of the human condition and evolution.
Because the Awakening and Embodiment Process is so universal, the potential even exists for a simultaneous activation and awakening in people who are listening to the experiences of others. For this reason, I feel that it's important to share our experiences with each other as we move forward together on this journey of Awakening, and it continues to be a driving force for me to offer the space for Inquiry and Exploration of our True Nature. I truly feel that we are all here to learn from each other, and deeper, I feel that our collective Listening, Sharing, and Support for each other is actually a very important way that our own Realizations and Awakenings become more embodied, integrated, and grounded in us.
I feel blessed to have the opportunity to meet with people this way, and look forward to connecting with you in this online program.
With Love and Blessings